Online dictionaries from Neahttadigisánit: Hill Mari-Finnish-Hill Mari

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The Dictionaries for Hill Mari and Finnish are based on lexical material from a large array of dictionaries and written literature from the 20th and 21th centuries. A note-worthy dictionary is the Hill Mari - Russian dictionary by Anna A. Savatkova (1981). Translation work is being conducted at the University of Helsinki by Julia Kuprina with funding from the Kone Foundation.

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Кычылтмы материал:

Лӹмдервлӓлӓн керӓл лексикӹм сӹлнӹшая текствлӓ дон пецӓтлӹмӹ материалвлӓ гӹц нӓлмӹ. Кырык марла - финлӓ лӹмдерӹм йӓмдӹлӹмӓштӹ тӹнг шотышты А.А.Саваткован Кырык марла - рушла лӹмдержӹм (1981) кычылтмы. Сӓрӹмӹ пӓшӓм Ю.Куприна КОНЕ фондын палшымы доно видӓ.

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