Russian Fowler Corpus (UHLCS)

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Fowlerin venäjän kielen korpus (UHLCS)


Persistent Identifier of this resource:

The corpus is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland (, access rights instructions:

Location: /appl/data/kielipankki/mrc-uhlcs/general-linguistics/indo-european-lgs/slavonic-lgs/russian/fowler-corpus/

The Russian Fowler Database, a large database consisting of Russian literature, is originated at the Indiana Unversity, Bloomington (George Fowler, Dept. of Slavic Languages).

The corpus content:


Arkadij and Boris Strugackie

Dalekaja.txt 229 K Dalekaja raduga

Gadkie.txt 392 K Gadkie lebedi

Malysh.txt 278 K Malysh

Milliard.txt 204 K Milliard let do konca sveta

Piknik.txt 317 K Piknik na obochine

Pjat_lozhek.txt 80 K Pjat' lozhek elliksira (kinoscenarij)

Popytka.txt 199 K Popytka k begstvu

Skazka.txt 218 K Skazka o trojke

Trudno.txt 340 K Trudno byt' bogom

Ulitka.txt 392 K Ulitka na sklone

Volny.txt 289 K Volny gasjat veter

Xishchnye.txt 335 K Xishchnye veshchi veka

Zhuk.txt 357 K Zhuk v muravejnike

Miscellaneous Fiction

Aksenov.txt 699 K Sbornik of older material by Vasilij Aksenov: Pora moj drug, pora (novel); Apel'siny iz Morokko (povest'); 6 stories: Papa, slozhi!, Peremena obraza zhizni, Katapul'ta, Na polputik lune, Sjurprizy, Zavtraki sorok tret'ego goda

Asja.txt 65 K Turgenev's "Asja"

Banja.txt 13 K Tolstoj's "Banja"

Dama.txt 31 K Chexov's "Dama s sobachkoj"

Gulag.txt 547 K Solzhenitsyn's Arxipelag GULag, first 7 chapters of vol. 1

Smert.txt 5 K Chexov's "Smert' chinovnika"

Xarms.txt 330 K Sbornik of misc. works by Daniil Xarms (prose, plays, and poetry)

Miscellaneous Non-Fiction

Garde.txt 135 K "Principy sovremennoj psixicheskoj samozashchity". Unidentified work of pop psychology and mysticism, dated 1983.


Axmatova.txt 30 K Unidentified 65-page sbornik of short poems (taken mainly from earlier collections "Vecher" and "Chetki"

Barkov.txt 65 K Collection of poems by Ivan S. Barkov (1732-68), a writer of very peculiar vulgar parodies.

Brodsky.txt 162 K Collection of Russian poems. A few poems in this file are not complete, and the text is in all lower case (it was originally typed on an early Soviet computer that had only upper case).

Esenin.txt 542 K Sergej Esenin, complete poetic works from 6-vol. Sobranie sochinenij

Greb.txt 110 K Collection of lyrics by the Russian rock musician Boris Grebenshchikov (of Akvarium)

Mednyj.txt 18 K Pushkin's "Mednyj vsadnik"

Pljaski.txt 5 K Blok's "Pljaski osennie"

Vysotsky.txt 266 K Collection of songs/poems by Vladimir Vysotskij.


J.R.R. Tolkien

Xraniteli.txt 893 K Fellowship of the Ring

Bashni.txt 413 K The Two Towers

Korol.txt 411 K Return of the King (without Appendices)

Silmar.txt 555 K Silmarillion

Miscellaneous Translations

Simak.txt 438 K Russian translation of a 1978 novel by Clifford D. Simak, "The Fellowship of the Talisman"


Brothers.txt 1000 K Constance Garnett's translation of Dostoevskij's Brat'ja Karamazovy

Karenina.txt 1000 K Constance Garnett's translation of Tolstoj's Anna Karenina

War.txt 1000 K Constance Garnett's translation of Tolstoj's Vojna i mir


Filin01_1-13 650 K Entry words from v. 1-13 of the "Slovar' russkix narodnyx govorov"

Filin02_14-25 650 K Entry words from v. 14-25 of the "Slovar' russkix narodnyx govorov"

Filin03_26-40 650 K Entry words from v. 26-40 of the "Slovar' russkix narodnyx govorov" (most of these volumes are still unpublished).

Total: Approx 14,440 K

The corpus is a part of the Multilingual Resource Collection of the UHLCS.

UHLCS has many different IPR holders. Should you have any questions regarding the collection, please contact Pirkko Suihkonen (

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